5 Self-Care Tips for the Body & Soul

1. Don’t Over-Think

You don’t need to have the answers to all of life’s riddles. Life is an unfolding, a discovering, an adventure. Sometimes over-thinking it all can get you into trouble. You miss out on the journey you’re actually on when you’re always stuck in your head. Take it all in with grace and grace will lead you in the right direction.

2. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others with envy robs you of appreciation for the sacred place your life is in at any given moment. Everyone has had their own long journey and you don’t know what that journey has been like for them ~ how they’ve struggled, what mistakes they’ve made. Use any jealousy you feel as your guide, it’s just showing you what you want in life. Let it lead you to take actions that advance your goals.

3. Eat Green!

Greens, greens and more greens. The more you eat them, the more your tastebuds change and you realize just how delicious food from the earth truly is. The lighter you feel, the better your skin looks, the more energy you have. It’s so easy to slack on healthy eating whenever we’re feeling down or overwhelmed, which only makes us feel worse. Stop and remind yourself to nourish your body, no matter what, and you’ll be able to take empowered steps forward.

4. Don’t Live on Social Media

It’s of course fun to be social. But reading through peoples statuses too often can lead to so many negative feelings, including depression. It’s like watching an advertising campaign for everyone’s life. It’s all shiny and sparkly and well-crafted to present the best, making you feel as though you’re the only one struggling in life. It’s okay to use, but limit it.

5. Watch Less TV

Such a hard habit to break, it’s so tempting to get lost in a Netflix binge. But too much TV robs you of time, creativity and sleep. Goals fly out the window. Motivation gets lost. So does conversation. TV is addictive and it lures you in, try to keep it in moderation.

BONUS: Just Be You

You are perfect. You are invaluable. You are enough.

“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” 
― Malcolm X

[Courtesy of Strong Sensitive Souls https://strongsensitivesouls.com/25-self-care-tips-for-the-body-soul/]


Therapy Is Self Care

Making your mental health a priority is a big part of self care. No matter how well you are physically, your mental health is vital to maintaining optimal health. Poor mental health causes stress which affects your physical being resulting in high blood pressure, anxiety and more. Research shows that many people take their mental health for granted and do not make it a priority leading to many longterm issues. 

What does your strength come from…”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13