Embrace the Sunshine: Self-Care Tips for Preparing for Summer

As the days lengthen and temperatures rise, the allure of summer beckons with promises of warmth, adventure, and rejuvenation. Yet, amidst the excitement of outdoor escapades and sun-kissed memories, it’s essential to prioritize self-care to fully embrace the season’s offerings. Preparing for summer goes beyond sunscreen and swimsuits; it involves nurturing your body, mind, and spirit for the months ahead.

First and foremost, prioritize hydration. As the mercury climbs, our bodies require increased water intake to stay cool and functioning optimally. Start by incorporating more fluids into your daily routine, whether through water, herbal teas, or hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables. Stay mindful of your body’s signals and sip water consistently throughout the day to ward off dehydration.

Next, focus on nourishing your skin. With more time spent outdoors, proper skincare becomes paramount. Invest in a quality sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection to shield your skin from harmful UV rays. Additionally, incorporate moisturizing lotions and after-sun products to keep your skin hydrated and radiant. Don’t forget to exfoliate regularly to slough off dead skin cells and reveal a fresh, summer-ready complexion.

In tandem with skincare, prioritize rest and relaxation. Summer often brings a flurry of activities and social engagements, but it’s crucial to carve out time for restorative downtime. Whether it’s lounging in a hammock with a good book or indulging in a leisurely sunset stroll, prioritize activities that nourish your soul and replenish your energy reserves.

Moreover, nourish your body with wholesome, seasonal foods. Take advantage of the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available during the summer months. Incorporate vibrant salads, smoothies, and grilled produce into your diet to fuel your body with essential nutrients and antioxidants. Embrace the bounty of the season and experiment with new flavors and recipes that tantalize your taste buds.

Lastly, cultivate mindfulness and gratitude. Summer is a time of growth and renewal, both in nature and within ourselves. Take moments throughout the day to pause, breathe deeply, and express gratitude for the beauty surrounding you. Whether it’s the warmth of the sun on your skin or the laughter of loved ones, savor the simple pleasures that make summer special.

In essence, preparing for summer involves more than just logistical planning—it’s an opportunity to prioritize self-care and cultivate a mindset of wellness and vitality. By nourishing your body, mind, and spirit, you’ll be better equipped to embrace the joys of the season and create lasting memories under the sun.

Self-Care and Stress Management Techniques for Women

I am well aware that, as women, we have a lot on our plate. Life can be extremely chaotic and stressful.

But you might not know how important it is to manage stress and practice self-care. It helps you in improving physical and mental health.

You deserve to completely enjoy life and just be happy!

In order to help you control your stress by improving your general well-being, let’s look at 3 simple yet efficient strategies throughout this post.

These tips have the potential to completely improve our lives.

So let’s get moving and move into a more peaceful and happy life! Ready?

Do this now!

Breathe Mindfully: Find Inner Calm

Do you know mindful breathing is one of the best and most effective techniques to deal with stress?

Don’t worry; it is really easy!

  • You should first find a peaceful spot. The spot where you can relax!
  • Now just close your eyes and exhale deeply.
  • Deeply inhale through your nose while counting to four, followed by a four-count mouth release.
  • Repeat while focusing only on your breath a few times.

Your body starts to relax as your anxiety levels drop.

Conscious breathing helps lessen stress hormones’ impact by inducing the body’s “rest and digest” response.

Also, it enables you to remain in the present, which frees your mind from worries regarding the past or the future.

Regular Physical Activity

How cool is it that physical activity is a real game-changer for women’s self-care and stress management?

You’ve many fun options to choose from. For example, you can go for a relaxing walk. You can also go for other options or hobbies that you enjoy; it can be yoga or simply just dancing.

You’ll feel stronger, and your body will reward you for getting involved in these enjoyable physical activities that also help to boost immunity. PS: it can help with weight management and improved sleep.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Exercise does wonders for the mind. Stress, worry, and even those bothersome blues are all faded by it.

Say hello to a sharper mind and a confidence boost!

The greatest thing about it is that you can customize your schedule to suit your way of life. It will be simpler to continue your outstanding effort if you can find something you enjoy!

And always, always make time for rest, too – it’s all about balance, friend!

So, let’s get moving and take a step towards a happier, healthier you! You’ve got this!

Recharge Your Batteries by Getting Enough Sleep

Making sleep a priority is like giving yourself superpowers! It’s amazing how much more effectively you can manage stress, think clearly, and keep that emotional balance when you get adequate sleep.

Let’s move on to some calming nighttime ritual advice.

Say Goodbye to the screens and start relaxing for at least an hour before going to bed!

Choose more calming activities instead, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or doing easy stretches.


These give off blue light that can interfere with your hormones that control sleep.

But wait, there are more ways to get enough sleep!

We can’t forget about making your sleep environment as dreamy as possible. Get yourself a good-quality mattress and some comfy pillows; you deserve it! To sleep better, keep a cold, dark environment in your bedroom.

Here’s an incredible tip: even on the weekends, when you might be tempted to stay up late, aim to get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Here, CONSISTENCY is the keyword.

You’ll experience a boost in the quality of your sleep by maintaining a regular sleep pattern.

So….it’s time for you to prioritize getting enough sleep in your life. Use these ways, and see how your refreshed self takes the world with a huge grin.

Takeaway – Self-care and stress management are essential for women’s health and happiness. Try these easy suggestions: prioritize sleep for a rested body and mind, engage in mindful breathing to discover serenity, and engage in physical activity for emotional release.

Self-care is not selfish!! It is necessary for living a healthy and happy life.

Do You Want Him? Then Invite Him.


Every new start presents a clean slate. It is another year and opportunity to renew your walk with God to enable you to maximize the fullness of His presence. Assuredly God has guaranteed, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”  Exodus 33:14). This means that you’re not be doing this year alone.


Lurking thoughts of uncertainties might have already crept in, considering how the past years have been, and as a result of this, you are afraid of what this one holds. The first month of the year might have even started badly, which has led you to be conclusive about the remaining months. Do understand that one bad month cannot be the parameter for determining the outcome of the rest months of the year.


God has promised that His presence will be with you throughout this year. He is going to guide your paths and direct your steps. It is, therefore, needless of you to be afraid of anything. Temptations and trials will come, challenges will arise, and you might even fail at some point. However, God’s word is sure. When you pass through the waters, He will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. (Exodus 43:2).


Face the year with confidence and boldness. Get up and be done with fear. Revisit that project, sign up for those classes, create your prayer time, take up the gym membership, reach out to more souls for Christ, let go of those toxic relationships, visit that resort, go on that vacation, try out new things, network more, leave that job, declutter your space, protect your mental health, and what have you there? Just step out of the old you and make that bold step and do those things you keep pushing because of fright. God is there for you to steer you in the right direction.


It is possible to miss out on the presence of God, even though He is ever present. Thus, you have to be sensitive to his lead and be deliberate in experiencing it. Create space for Him to come and reign in your life. God doesn’t force Himself where His presence is not welcome. He gives the power of choice for you to make your decision. Give His company a priority in your life. Do you want Him? Then invite Him.

Your Reassurances

Every word you hear influences your behavior. The words you hear mold your beliefs, and your beliefs form your thoughts, and your thoughts dictate your actions. For faith–trust– comes by hearing and by hearing the Word (Romans 10:17).

Negative reports are flying around the globe daily, from the media to our streets, and one cannot help but wonder what is going on. But in all these incidents, there are still positive occurrences. Streamline the words you hear because of the impact they can have on you, for the life of a man is a reflection of his thoughts, or as Proverbs 4:23 puts it, “Guard your heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life.”

So who or whose words do you listen to? Mentees are reflections of their mentors. There are always two voices on the divide to control your thoughts, which are the voice of God and the voice of the devil (Galatians 5:17). As a child of God, the Word of God will become your reality if you constantly feed on them. God’s word is God Himself, so much so that God honors His Word more than His name. And His Word is Spirit and life.

You may be at that point in your life where you are confronted with lots of challenges, and you don’t know what to do. This is not the time to lean on your own understanding. Instead, what does God’s Word say about that situation?  Take it as the source of your strength. Don’t allow fear, the opinions of others, or doubts assailing your thoughts to make you disregard God’s Word. It is your bet to victory, and Jesus reinforced this when He said, “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39).

Consciously choose words that can shape your destiny positively. Let the Word of God be a lamp to your feet and a light unto your path (Psalms 119:105). Hold firm to God’s Word, that is your reassurance.

God’s Timing Is the Best Timing

No one enjoys being in a certain position for a long time. At one point or the other, there is the desire to upscale and it is only natural to want to be promoted.


However, promotion can be external or internal. External in the sense that it is from a person or an institution and internal when it is determined by your actions and the steps you take. There are some instances, that even after doing all things right and tying all loose ends, you might still not be promoted. At times like this, anxiety and a series of queries are very common. You may wonder, what are you doing wrong? Why is God silent? Is it God’s will for you to be stagnant?


There is every reason to be restless during this stage. And the questions are understandable, but there should be no doubt about God’s will for you to be uplifted in every sphere of life. God expressed His displeasure for stagnation by personally calling the attention of the children of Israel to how long they have stayed in Horeb, and urged them to match forward:

“The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: ‘You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey, and go to…’” -Deuteronomy 1:6-7.


Surely, God wants you to increase and go forward in life, but there’s a thing called timing. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says there is time for everything. What this entails is that it may not just be the right time for you to be promoted. Life is bounded by a series of times and seasons. This means that no matter how much you try, nothing changes because it is not just the right time. Looking at David, though he was anointed as the King of Israel at a tender age he did not sit on the throne till Saul was dead, simply because that was not the right time.


Plus, every new level brings new devils as they would say; God may be telling you to rest for the time being because of possible traps and dangers He is seeing ahead. Trust Him.


Promotion comes directly from God and not from anywhere else. He is your Father and you are the apple of His eyes. I know you might be thinking that God has forgotten you, hang on, He cares about you. Your clouds are still gathering and at the right time when they are full, your promotion will come. He cannot withhold anything good from you, you are His child. That child will come


Always understand that God knows your every need, He hears your prayers and He sees those tears. Don’t despair, He is the lifter of men, and accordingly, He will raise you when it is your season. Everything is working together for your good.

Signs You Should Look into Therapy

Therapy is an invaluable tool for anyone who is experiencing difficulty in life. From dealing with depression, to navigating through a difficult period in life, to learning to cope with anxiety, to developing better communication skills, therapy can help you make positive changes. In this article, we will explore the signs and reasons why you should consider seeking therapy. We will look at the benefits of therapy, the importance of finding the right therapist for you, and how to know if it is time to look into therapy. Read on to learn more about why therapy could be the answer to unlocking the changes you have been hoping for.

Therapy is a powerful tool for improving mental health, and many people find that it helps them to cope with life’s challenges and access inner strength. But how do you know when it’s time to look into therapy? Here are a few signs that it might be time to consider it:

  • You’re Feeling Overwhelmed – Feeling overwhelmed is a common sign that it’s time to get help. Whether it’s feeling overwhelmed with everyday life, or feeling overwhelmed with a specific problem, therapy can help you to gain perspective and learn coping skills.
  • You’re Struggling with Relationships – If you’re struggling to connect with people in meaningful ways, or if relationships are leaving you feeling drained and unhappy, therapy can help you to become more aware of your behavior and how it affects your relationships.
  • You’re Experiencing Intense or Unmanageable Emotions – If you’re feeling intense emotions such as anger, fear, or sadness that you don’t understand or can’t seem to manage, therapy can help you to better understand and manage these emotions, as well as to develop healthy strategies for coping with them.
  • You’re Feeling Stuck – If you’re feeling stuck in your life, going through the motions but not feeling any joy, therapy can help you to identify and address the underlying issues that are keeping you from living a full and meaningful life.
  • You’re Having Trouble Coping – If you’re having trouble coping with stress, change, or difficult life events, therapy can help you to develop coping strategies that work for you and learn how to better manage difficult emotions.
  • You’re Struggling with Mental Health Issues – If you’re experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, therapy can help you to gain insight into the underlying causes and develop healthier ways of thinking and coping.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs and are feeling overwhelmed or stuck, therapy can be a great option to help you gain insight and learn how to better manage your mental health. Working with a therapist can help you to identify and address the underlying issues, as well as to develop healthier coping strategies and gain insight into your thoughts and feelings. If you’re considering therapy, it’s important to find a therapist that you can trust and feel comfortable with. It can also be helpful to research different types of therapy to find the best fit for you and your specific needs.

Want more guidance? Contact us at selahcounseling7@gmail.com to see how we can help you.

7 Self-Care Tips for the New Year


The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on our health and well-being. Self-care is an important part of maintaining our mental and physical health, and it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to prioritize it in our busy lives. If you’re looking for ways to practice self-care this year, here are a few tips to get you started:


  1. Make Time for Yourself: It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take time for yourself. Set aside a few minutes each day for things that make you feel good, such as reading, writing, or listening to music.


  1. Prioritize Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for our health and well-being. Make sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night and prioritize rest when possible.


  1. Exercise: Regular exercise is important for both physical and mental well-being. Find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your routine.


  1. Eat Healthy: Eating nutritious food is essential to our health and energy levels. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet and make sure to stay hydrated.


  1. Spend Time with Friends and Family: Spending quality time with friends and family can help to reduce stress and lift our spirits. Make time for social activities such as going out for dinner or a movie, or have a game night at home.


  1. Unplug from Technology: Technology can be a great tool, but it can also be overwhelming and distracting. Take time away from technology and focus on being in the present moment.


  1. Find a Hobby: Find a creative hobby to keep your mind engaged and express your creativity. It could be something as simple as painting, playing a musical instrument, or writing.


By implementing these tips for self-care into your daily routine, you can start the new year feeling your best.

Focus on Jesus

Isaiah 26:3

Hebrews 12:1-2


So many Christians have a desire to be on fire for God.  Often you’ll hear some of them saying that they want to be like Elijah or David. They want to do great exploits for the kingdom of God. It is great to have that desire. It is godly. But very few of us accomplish that.


The truth is while most of us want to know God, we allow other things to take center stage in our lives.  We are not so keen on knowing Jesus on a deeper level than we already do.  We skim through the Bible and spend little time in prayer and yet expect to be like Elijah.  Yes, we have other things to do, like going to school and doing chores, but those things should not hinder us from spending time with the Lord and focusing on Jesus.


Honestly, finding balance in life and ensuring that everything is in its proper place is hard. This is more so when you have to prepare for exams, engage in different church activities, and do what your parents want. It can be overwhelming, right?


David was a king, and that means he had a hectic schedule.  But he found time to spend with God and focused on him, and that is why he was a man after God’s own heart.  He did not let his position in Israel influence his relationship with God.  Instead, David ensured that his relationship with God influenced his position as a king.  Not that he did not make any mistakes, he did but quickly turned back to God.


The same should be true about us if we want to be on fire for God. Other things should not take up the place of God. Know that as a youth, you have all the time in the world to work on your relationship with God and become a great instrument in his kingdom. Yes, you have responsibilities, but they do not take much of your time now as they will in the future. This is the right time for you to deepen your relationship with God.


Focus on  Jesus and allow him to be your all-in-all.  Do not just focus on your family and friends. Don’t misunderstand. It is good to love them, but Jesus should be the first in your life. It is only by focusing on Him that you’ll be able to ignite a flame for Christ not just in your life but also in society.





Find out the things that have been coming between you and Jesus, and then eliminate them if you can. Or give them their rightful position.  Practice putting  Jesus first in everything that you do.  Focus on him even as you go about your studies and other activities at school and home.  Let him be your first priority in all that you do. Surrender every idol in your heart to God and ask Jesus to help you focus on him alone.

Fasting… Right?

Matthew 6:16

Isaiah 58


Let’s admit it, most of us struggle with fasting and given a chance, it would be one of those spiritual disciplines that we would never practice. But we are spirit beings living in fallen bodies, and our spirits are always in a battle with the flesh. For the spirit to win and genuinely desire to ignite a flame for Christ, we have to discipline our flesh. Fasting is an excellent way for us to discipline our bodies.


Understand that fasting is not a means through which we ask God to become close to us. God is already with us. He promises in his word to never leave nor forsake us. God loves us unconditionally, and he is willing and ready to help us. So we do not fast to coarse God to draw close to us or answer our prayers. God has already blessed us through his son Jesus Christ.


But as we’ve already seen, we are spirit beings in a fleshly body. It means that there are times when we are going to draw away from God. There will be times when we shall sin against him and even want nothing to do with God. Fasting helps us keep in check and keep the fire burning in our lives so that we continue to grow spiritually.


Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:16 when you fast, not when you feel like fasting. It means that God expects believers to fast. Fasting is challenging, but it will help you to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and this will enable you to continue communing with God.


Making fasting part of your discipline will enable you to grow more spiritually as you’ll be sensitive in the spirit and be able to discern the things of God. There are different forms of fasting that you can practice.  You can do a dry fast for three days like Esther, a Daniel fast, or a 1-day fast. You can even choose to fast from things that distract you from God, like social media.


You can also do a group fast with your friends or join corporate fasting done by your church. Before you start to fast, make sure you prepare psychologically, especially if you are doing longer fasts or a dry fast. Avoid doing vigorous activities during this period, and ensure you follow the doctor’s instructions if you have any complications or are under medications.



Ask God to show you the kind of fasting that you should do and then follow through.  Use the fasting period to study and meditate on the word. Also, spend quality time in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all that you do. Please don’t fast just for the sake of it. Make sure that you’re following the leading of the Holy Spirit.


If fasting is something that you have never done or you struggle with, look for someone that is fasting or planning to and fast together. Do not announce to the whole world that you’re fasting. Keep it between you and God and the person you’re fasting with if it is a group fast.

Love Lost Souls

Matthew 5:14-16

James 5:20


Loving lost souls is a great way for us to ignite a flame for Christ.


But let’s be honest:


It is hard to love people who make fun of your faith and don’t want anything to do with you. It is challenging to show grace to people who mock and persecute you. Those that bully you at school or in your community because you’re a Christian. Yet God expects us to love them anyway. The word of God tells us to love one another, including those who despise us.


But what do you do when you want to ignite a flame of Christ in your society? When God is telling you to reach out to such people and share the gospel with them? You will have to rise above the hate and the kind of treatment you get from these people so that you can be able to love them just like Christ loved us while we were yet sinners.


We should not look down on such people like the Pharisees did. We should be like our Lord Jesus, who showed love and compassion to these people. It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.


It is through his compassion and acts of kindness that Jesus was able to draw these people to himself and to the kingdom of God. We need to be like our Savior if we want unbelievers to accept Jesus as their personal savior. We need to love the lost instead of judging and condemning them.


Is there someone in your family that has not given their life to Christ?  How are you treating that person?  Know any students or youth in your church that have not given their lives to Christ?  Do you show them love, or are you busy judging and condemning them?  Do you show them acts of kindness, or do you point out bible verses about hell to them every chance you get?


The Bible says love covers a multitude of sins.  It is only by loving these people that you’re going to be able to do great exploits for the kingdom of God and transform your life and the lives of others around you. See, sometimes you don’t need to preach to people. Most unbelievers are drawn to the kingdom by our actions.


That is why we are called the light of the world and are encouraged to let our light shine in the world. Unbelievers may not listen to you as you preach to them, but they will hold you up to a certain standard and be drawn to you when they realize that you practice what you preach, so be vigilant.



Find someone in your community or school that does not know Christ, and with the leading of the Holy Spirit, befriend this person.  Try to draw that person into the things of God without sounding preachy or judgmental.  Ask God for guidance so that you can do it in a way that will cause them to surrender their lives to Christ. Love them by helping them with a problem they have, sharing something they need, or just listening to them as they talk.  Sometimes the only Bible some people will read is your actions.