3 Ways to Motivate Yourself

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself

We all have some aspiration, a dream deferred by the stress and struggle of daily life. That dream is always poking at your side, nudging you every weekend and gnawing at your chest whenever you lie awake at night.  It can be disheartening to feel like you’re procrastinating or that you’ll never start— let alone finish— that thing. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 


You can do. 


You’re a doer. 


You just need to get started. And you can. Your first step is reading this. Read the rest, and get started.

1. Start Small

Sometimes, we’re looking at the finished project or big picture of something, and the task is so daunting that we don’t even dare to start, to try. As they say, though, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We all have to start somewhere, and getting started is the first step.


Look at your goal and set small steps that will help you get to it!


2. Just Get Started!

Listen, tomorrow never comes. If we keep pushing things off until we feel like doing it, they might never get done. Often, what we need is to just get started, and our excitement will build when we’re more immersed in the project.


You might find things getting easier and more fun once the work is started.


3. Get Rid of Daily Distractions

When you have tons of things around you, be it your phone or noise, it can be really hard to settle on something and truly give the time and dedication you need to get started and make progress on something. Turn everything you don’t need off, shut the door to your workspace, and set a timer for how long you want to work on your project.


Start with something short like 5 minutes to half an hour. Set a timer, and don’t go away from your project until it goes off. You can work up to more and adjust your time as you get more used to allotting a certain time every day or week to work on your project.


If you keep to this, it’ll practically do itself!

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