Read Christian Books

Proverbs 18:15

Hosea 4:6


Okay, the truth is some of us find the whole process of reading books boring. But we cannot overlook this. If you want to learn and achieve things faster, it is good to learn from other people’s experiences. Meaning you are going to have to do some boring stuff for you to achieve what you want.


It is essential for us to always read the Bible and follow what it says. Other materials should never replace the word of God. But God has raised up people within the body of Christ that we can learn from. We need each other to exist and remain steadfast in our Christian walk. That is why reading spiritual books is another great way that will help us to ignite a flame for Christ.


See, through writing, some people can share the great experiences and encounters they have had with the Lord with the rest of the world. Through reading books and magazines, some of us know about great men and women of God and the great exploits they did for the kingdom. Reading books will help you understand how other believers ignite a flame for Christ in their lives and the world. It will also help you know what igniting the flame of Christ is really all about so that you can understand what is expected of you.


The Bible says that people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. That you desire to do something doesn’t mean that you do it without proper preparation and knowledge. Yes, the Holy Spirit is there to help us every step of the way, and one of the ways he does that is by using other people’s experiences to show us how we can go about certain things and how we can avoid the mistakes they made.


Technology has made it easy for us to do a lot of things, including reading books. If you find reading a hard copy to be hard, how about you listen to an audiobook? With your parents’ help, you can buy audiobooks that will help you learn how to go about igniting a flame of Christ.



Look for two to three books of people who shared their journey to spiritual growth or igniting the flame of Christ. You can get hard copies and even audiobooks in case reading a hardcover is challenging for you. In your free time, read about their journeys and see what they did to help ignite the fire. Find out where they went wrong if they shared their mistakes and weaknesses and learn from them and then look for strategies on how you can start your journey to igniting the flame of Christ in your life and in the lives of other individuals.


Though some books may be under Christianity, they may not be right for you. Some people take the word of God out of context to suit the message they are trying to pass across. You need to read reviews first to know which books are within the context of the Bible.

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