Fasting… Right?

Matthew 6:16

Isaiah 58


Let’s admit it, most of us struggle with fasting and given a chance, it would be one of those spiritual disciplines that we would never practice. But we are spirit beings living in fallen bodies, and our spirits are always in a battle with the flesh. For the spirit to win and genuinely desire to ignite a flame for Christ, we have to discipline our flesh. Fasting is an excellent way for us to discipline our bodies.


Understand that fasting is not a means through which we ask God to become close to us. God is already with us. He promises in his word to never leave nor forsake us. God loves us unconditionally, and he is willing and ready to help us. So we do not fast to coarse God to draw close to us or answer our prayers. God has already blessed us through his son Jesus Christ.


But as we’ve already seen, we are spirit beings in a fleshly body. It means that there are times when we are going to draw away from God. There will be times when we shall sin against him and even want nothing to do with God. Fasting helps us keep in check and keep the fire burning in our lives so that we continue to grow spiritually.


Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:16 when you fast, not when you feel like fasting. It means that God expects believers to fast. Fasting is challenging, but it will help you to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and this will enable you to continue communing with God.


Making fasting part of your discipline will enable you to grow more spiritually as you’ll be sensitive in the spirit and be able to discern the things of God. There are different forms of fasting that you can practice.  You can do a dry fast for three days like Esther, a Daniel fast, or a 1-day fast. You can even choose to fast from things that distract you from God, like social media.


You can also do a group fast with your friends or join corporate fasting done by your church. Before you start to fast, make sure you prepare psychologically, especially if you are doing longer fasts or a dry fast. Avoid doing vigorous activities during this period, and ensure you follow the doctor’s instructions if you have any complications or are under medications.



Ask God to show you the kind of fasting that you should do and then follow through.  Use the fasting period to study and meditate on the word. Also, spend quality time in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all that you do. Please don’t fast just for the sake of it. Make sure that you’re following the leading of the Holy Spirit.


If fasting is something that you have never done or you struggle with, look for someone that is fasting or planning to and fast together. Do not announce to the whole world that you’re fasting. Keep it between you and God and the person you’re fasting with if it is a group fast.

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