DE-STRESS | Week 1 | Easy Ways to Relax with Breathing Exercises


DE-STRESS Week 1: Easy Ways to Relax with Breathing Exercises

Make no mistake, chronic stress is physiologically damaging. The good news, though, is that there are physiological ways to counter feeling overwhelmed.


By far the easiest way to relax is to breathe. For optimal results, press the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth. Then, follow the simple steps below:


  • First, exhale fully through your mouth.
  • Next, breathe in long and continuously for 4-seconds through your nose.
  • After breathing in, hold your breath for 7-seconds.
  • Lastly, completely exhale through your mouth while counting to eight.


If you are experiencing high-stress, you are likely chest breathing. This fails to provide enough oxygen to your bloodstream. Breathing exercises like the above remedy this by helping reset your respiratory system.


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