5 Destressing Activities

Imagine stress is water, and you’re a bucket. As you get more and more stressed, your bucket will fill up. Eventually, your bucket will start to get heavier and hevaier, weighing you down. In order to avoid this, we destress, putting in spouts to let the water out before it gets too full! Here are 10 ways to destress after a particularly stressful time!

1. Listen to Music 

Studies show that music has a unique link to our emotions that will help us to manage stress and relax. Check out our playlist here.

2. Take a Bath or Shower

Warmth stops pain sensors in the nerves and makes muscles relax. You’ll be less tense and get clean. You can even add bath bombs or salts to make it more fun.

3. Spend time with animals

Research shows that playing with animals releases feel good hormones (such as oxytocin) in humans.

4. Write down what you’re worrying about

This can be extremely soothing because it helps you to get off your chest your worries and get organized.

5. Create!

Just pick something you enjoy and start creating. It’ll help you get your mind off things!

Need more ideas? Look here!

67 Fun Activities To Relax and De-Stress by Outofstress.com

How to Deal With Stress: 5 Fun Activities to Help You Unwind by Huffington Post

40 Simple And Brilliant Ways To Relax and De-stress by Lifehack.org

52 Super Easy (& Totally Inexpensive) Ways to De-Stress by Sheknows.com

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