3 Reasons Why You Need to Build Godly Friendships

3 Reasons Why You Need to Build Godly Friendships

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24 (NIV)

Can you honestly say you have genuine friends? Or are the people you chat with on social media the only friends you have in real life?

Well, relationships are very important, and all through the Bible, we are encouraged to build healthy relationships.

If you don’t have any godly friends know that is never too late to start building such relationships.

Will it be easy?

No, creating new friendships is very challenging, especially for adults. Friendships are built with time, and they need commitment. Care needs to be taken because some people pretend to be believers, but they are wolves in sheep clothing.

Ask God to help you choose the right friends. He is the only one who knows people’s hearts. (Proverbs 22:24-25)

If you are a Christian loner that is struggling with the idea of having friends, here are three reasons why you need to build godly relationships;

Source of Encouragement

Look, the Christian life is not easy.

There will good and bad times. We are in a war with a real enemy who wants to destroy us.

The right friends will build you up when you are down. Since they are going through the same struggles, they will be there to help you.

There will be moments when you will feel like giving up, but your godly friend will hold your hand and help you to stand firm in the word. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

With a lot of negative stuff being shared in the media and online, one can become discouraged easily, especially when going through hard times. Friends will hold you and help you to pull through the bad times.

They will encourage you to stand firm in the word and continue in it.

Godly Counsel

There are times we don’t know what to do in certain situations. Other times we may know what to do but, we don’t know how to go about it, or we may need a push from people who love us. That is where good friends come in.

Good friends will give us godly counsel. (Proverbs 27:17)

They will not tell you things that you want to hear. Instead, they will ensure to give advice that is backed up by scripture.


A godly friend will not be afraid of asking you tough questions. Since they care about you, they will want to ensure that you are doing the right thing.

They will not judge you for making mistakes but will help you to remain true to your faith because they also care about where you will spend eternity. (Galatians 2:11-14)

The right friends will help you to grow in your spiritual walk. You will have people that will help you pray, and when you mess up, they will be there to build you up and help you see that you are in the wrong path through scripture.

Finding the right friends that love God is not an easy thing but will God’s help and guidance from the Holy Spirit you will connect with the right people that will help you, and you will also help them.

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