3 Myths about Therapy Christians Shouldn’t Believe

3 Myths about Therapy Christians Shouldn’t Believe

When you’re sick, I’m sure you never hesitate to set up an appointment with your doctor. And when your eyes have been strained, you’re quick to get a new prescription from your eye doctor. So why does therapy seem like less of an option?


Mental health is just as important as physical health, so we’re going to cover 3 myths people believe that can be an obstacle to getting help.

1. Thinking You Have to Have It All Together

It’s isn’t uncommon to fall into the trap that you have to be perfect at everything you do and that any emotions or thoughts you’re struggling with are a failure on your part. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Remember, Christ came down to Earth to die for our sins because we couldn’t on our own. We need a Savior because we’re imperfect beings, and God’s grace is there to cover us. It is what frees us from the chains of perfectionism.

Now, it’s understandable that you may not want everyone knowing your struggles, but a counselor who’s sworn to confidentiality is a wonderful person to tell your story to. Talking to someone can be freeing just as God’s grace is.


2. Thinking Counseling Is Only for “Serious Problems”

While therapy is very helpful to people who have been through traumatic and violent experiences, it is also for those who have been through other things. Counseling is a place for you to talk through your thoughts and feelings with someone trained to help you figure out and process them.

Also, if you’re not careful, a small struggle can turn into a big one. So get help where you are now instead of waiting.


3. Thinking You Have to Be Strong

Yes, the Lord is your strength (check out Psalm 28:7), but it is important not to confuse God’s strength and your strength. Our God is perfect, all-knowing, loving, and all-powerful, but we are not. If we confuse the two, we will end up thinking we’re strong enough to take on all the problems we get in life on our own and put off counseling.

If you look at God’s strength a little more closely, though, you’ll see the beautiful thing about it is that it’s for us in our weakness. When we’re low, God can bring us back up. How?

Well, sometimes, that is through counseling. If you seek out a faithful Christian counselor, it can be a way to work through issues and how to be strengthened by God in everyday life!

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